"Gail Shaw" <gsh### [at] sentechsacom> wrote in message
> news:43abfab7$1@news.povray.org...
>> foggy for stars to be visible in a real scene!
> Not stars. Is falling snow. Sorry it's not convincing. I haven't seen real
> snow in 25 years.
Not even mountain snow? That's kinda sad, Gail. I'd mail a snowball over to
you if I ever get any snow here again, except you've probably seen the
melted kind. ;)
seen that falling star already. Has some surrealism going on there if
thinking of the snow in the sky as being a starry night along with the other
foreground snowflakes in front of the terrain. I considered the falling star
to be artistic license anyway, so it looked right to me.
I guess if you wanted to get technical about it we probably couldn't see the
snowflakes much beyond the room light, except for the haze created by the
numerous flakes farther out (which you definitely got right). This is how I
considered the falling star to be magically appearing through all that,
without thinking of the sky as actually being star-filled at the same time.
Of course, the Christmas theme helped see it that way. :)
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